xsel】 剪切板操作指令【linux】


sudo apt-get install xsel


echo '待复制的内容' | xsel -i -b 或 echo '待复制的内容' | xsel --input --clipboard

cat | xsel -i -b 或 cat | xsel --input --clipboard


xsel -o -b 或 xsel --output --clipboard


xsel -c

xsel】 X11 selection and clipboard manipulation tool.【linux】

Use a command's output as input of the clip[b]oard (equivalent to Ctrl + C):

echo 123 | xsel -ib

Use the contents of a file as input of the clipboard:

cat file | xsel -ib

Output the clipboard's contents into the terminal (equivalent to Ctrl + V):

xsel -ob

Output the clipboard's contents into a file:

xsel -ob > file

Clear the clipboard:

xsel -cb

Output the X11 primary selection's contents into the terminal (equivalent to a mouse middle-click):

xsel -op

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